February 2024 Healthy News from Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic Heart and Spine Benefit from Exercise and Sacroiliac Pain Benefits from Treatment

There is debate about whether the sacroiliac joint causes pain, be we are not go deep into that, but our Augusta back and leg pain sufferers may experience pain in the sacroiliac joint. Some medical approaches today fuse the sacroiliac joints, inject them, etc. (1,2,3) In the conservative world, an analysis of how manual therapy might reduce and/or alleviate sacroiliac joint pain reported that manual therapy – though just which manual therapy technique is superior was not well defined in all the studies they read – statistically significantly boosted disability due to sacroiliac joint dysfunction syndrome. (4) There’s always room for additional research! Another study contrasted the impact of manual therapy, exercise, and a combination of those two on sacroiliac pain dysfunction. All 3 groups were shown to have experienced a significant reduction in sacroiliac-associated pain. The researchers concluded that manual therapy was effective in the long term for sacroiliac joint pain decrease and that adding specific exercise to the sacroiliac joint manipulation treatment elevated the effectiveness. (5) If we discover through our examination that sacroiliac pain is of concern in your back pain condition, let’s ponder Augusta chiropractic non-surgical manual therapy and [possibly even|maybe]70] a little exercise to address it!
Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Michael McMurray on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson about use of The Cox® Technic System of Spinal Pain Management that includes exercise.

Exercise is praised for its benefit for heart health, benefit which emerges after a few weeks or month of exercise. Researchers are discussing that even single or short-term exercise sessions offer benefit! They verified this and found that short-term exercise-induced protection offered immediate cardiac protection (like reducing the magnitude of cardiac/vascular damage due to long-term ischemia) cheaply and easily. (6) We have a feeling that our exercise-adverse Augusta chiropractic patients will like this! Just one exercise session may offer benefit. That’s a first step! And more advantages of exercise for low back pain sufferers are documented. A rehab exercise program for normal and overweight patients showed improvement in total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein as well as improvement in cardiovascular risk and lumbar muscle. (7) Are you ready to add exercise?
In this month of hearts (Happy belated Valentine’s Day), take care of your heart and spine! Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic is honored to be your Augusta chiropractic partner in this effort. See you soon!