Distraction Therapy and Exercise for Back Pain Relief
Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic delivers pain relief. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic delivers Augusta chiropractic distraction therapy. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic directs exercise for back pain relief and spine stabilization and strengthening. This is an unbeatable combination of care! Exercise and distraction therapy in a solid Augusta chiropractic treatment plan delivers Augusta back pain relief. And for patients seeking to avoid back surgery, this chiropractic approach offers a non-surgical option.
Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic cooperates with our Augusta back pain patients to create the relieving treatment plan. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic’s experience directs this development. Assisting Augusta back pain patients find relief is what Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic does. With such experience and confidence, do better outcomes occur for Augusta back pain patients at Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic? Likely reports a new study. When a musculoskeletal patient anticipates a positive result from the care he or she is receiving, the odds of a positive outcome are increased. What about the preference for a type of treatment? Does the patient’s or healthcare provider’s inclination for treatment type influence the outcome? The provider’s does; the patient’s doesn’t as much. Very interesting! The odds of living up to a back pain patient’s expectations for back pain relief rose by 69.3 times when that back pain patient received care from a healthcare provider team which strongly preferred the care recommended to the patient. The patient’s preference for a back pain relief intervention method didn’t influence the odds as much (just 29.7 times). It seems the provider’s influence and preference is more influential than the patient’s preference. (1) Wow! Your Augusta chiropractor is sure that the Augusta treatment plan which likely incorporates Cox Technic flexion distraction for spine pain, neck pain, and back pain will assist in the relief of Augusta pain patients. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic has witnessed many Augusta back pain patients feel remarkable relief!
Adding non-surgical distraction therapy to the care of lumbar disc herniation aids the back pain relief. Patients suffering with back pain for at least 8 weeks obtained electrotherapy, massage and stabilization exercises. The patients improved. The pain and function improved along with a decrease in the size of the disc herniation. But those patients who also received the distraction therapy found more improvement. At the end of their care, clinical and radiological findings were better. The disc herniation reduction was more obvious in the patients with distraction therapy added to the treatment plan. (2) That is not surprising at all! Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic sees it all the time!
Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic takes a multi-faceted approach to reducing back pain. Spinal manipulation with Cox Technic flexion distraction mixed with patient exercises to stabilize and strengthen the back along with nutrition, educational tools, and other modalities like heat/ice, massage, and trigger point therapy delivers relief for Augusta back pain.
Schedule a Augusta chiropractic visit today. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic provides a reliable plan for back pain relief.