At Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic, the outcomes of treating patients with lumbar spine disc herniations with specialized chiropractic techniques is a huge part of our chiropractic services practice. We strive to offer the optimal system of care when our Augusta back pain patients choose us for pain relief and return to work. So, we want to share another documented reason why non-surgical back pain relief like ours should be a big consideration... baseball players' back pain experiences.

- non-surgically treated players went back to play in 3.6 months and
- surgically treated players returned in 8.7 months. (1)
Yes, the non-surgical treatment for disc herniation was more beneficial in returning the professional athlete to play than the surgical. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic is certainly here for all the Augusta athletes, but we’re really here for you. Could non-surgical treatment work for you? Well, your spine probably receives less stress than a professional athlete’s. That weighs on the side that your lower back pain and leg pain may respond even better. And our Cox Technic system of care is gentle, safe and effective with federally funded research support behind it.
So, contact Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic for an evaluation if you suffer from lower back pain and/or leg pain due to a disc herniation. We're here for you!