Vertigo and dizziness have many causes. Augusta chiropractic care may well be a solution for unsteady Augusta folks. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic sees Augusta vertigo patients and gets them back on their steady feet again! Bring your vertigo to Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic to figure out the cause of your dizziness and get you steady again!
First of all, one cause of vertigo, that caused by compression of cervical vertebral artery in the neck, could be treated by decompression without surgical fusion or instrumentation especially in C1 transverse foramen. (1) What a great door to be opened! Augusta chiropractic care with gentle, long-y axis spinal manipulation according to Cox® Technic protocols may be the non-surgical decompression method to try before surgery! That’s our gentle, safe go-to chiropractic protocol for neck pain and related conditions. Your Augusta chiropractor is here for consultation.
Further, the whole question of just what effect spinal manipulation/manual therapy has on cervicogenic dizziness, balance, and neck pain inspires researchers to study more. Good thing! A study reports that patients with vertigo who underwent spinal manipulation demonstrated improved balance and even showed reduced dizziness and neck pain. (2) A trial of spinal manipulation at Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic is worth a try for reduced dizziness and neck pain, isn’t it?
Sadly, life for patients with cervical vertigo or dizziness is not comfortable. Augusta dizzy patients seek a solution or at a least some relief of their vertigo. Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic is ready to help and understands the concern. That’s why Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic starts chiropractic care for dizziness with a thorough examination to rule out potentially severe causes of the symptoms. Then, an appropriate treatment plan is made. Researchers explain that once that is done, manipulative therapy may be appropriately used. (3) That’s what Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic offers!
So if vertigo or dizziness plagues you or a loved one, contact Lombardy Chiropractic Clinic. In Augusta dizziness and vertigo may be well handled with gentle chiropractic care.